Wso2 Integration Studio Download

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The wso2 enterprise integrator is new to industry. This example use case will help you understand how to develop a end to end scenario using wso2 developer studio and wso2 enterprise integrator on windows environment.

You can see this as a trivial example. But I hope, this would help understand for a newbie to move to the integration world.

Download WSO2 Integration Studio. We will be using WSO2 Integration studio to develop our integration use cases. NOTE: Each sample resides in its own directory with a file with sample description and supporting material to follow along each example. Samples Overview. Following are the examples covered in this repository. 'It's all about integration!' Puntos a favor: WSO2 Enterprise Integrator allows brownfield integration for your existing software in a secure manner with all the feature of the WSO2's previous work related to this such as their message broker, business process server, service bus an so on. Contras: It's a bit complicate for beginners and there are a shortage of tutorials for this particular. REST Client: Allows testing the integration scenarios; Distributions. WSO2 Integration Studio maintains distributions can be downloaded, here. All open issues pertaining to WSO2 Integration Studio are reported at the following location: known issues. Installation and Run. Download the distribution for your operating system. WSO2 Integration Studio is a drag-and-drop graphical development environment for WSO2 Enterprise Integrator. It provides efficient integration artifact development and accelerates development lifecycles. REST Client: Allows testing the integration scenarios; Distributions. WSO2 Integration Studio maintains distributions can be downloaded, here. All open issues pertaining to WSO2 Integration Studio are reported at the following location: known issues. Installation and Run. Download the distribution for your operating system.

Sequence Diagram

Setting Up Environment and Sample Web Service

Here we use Windows environment for this use case implementation.

Wso2 Integration Studio 6.5 Download

Download, install and start EI 6.1.1

We better use ‘git bash' ui to start the enterprise integrator on windows.


Download, install and start WSO2 developer studio

Setup Simple Quote Web service

Wso2 Integration Studio Download Software

First fix the sample issue in ei-6.1.1

Build SimpleStockQuote Axis web service sample

Wso2 developer studio download

Start the Axis server

Verify samples using following URL

Design Proxy Service Using Developer Studio

Create ‘ESB Config Project'

  • Open developer studio dashboard
  • Click ‘ESB Config Project'
  • Create ‘simple-quote' project

Create Address Endpoint

  • Click ‘Endpoint' from dashboard

Wso2 Developer Studio Download

Create Custom Proxy Service

  • Click ‘Proxy Service' from dashboard

Wso2 Integration Studio Download

  • Drag and drop Send Mediator and Created Endpoint for request path
  • Add a Send mediator to response path as well.
  • Go to source view of the proxy and set the publishing WSDL as follows

Without this setting proxy does not expose any methods to outside

Create ‘Composite Application Project' from far right of the dashboard

This is to build the car application.

  • Click ‘Composite Application Project' from dashboard

Please make sure to select your dependencies correctly as shown.

Connect EI server to eclipse

  • Click Server from dashboard

Build two projects from maven and deploy from UI

Login to management console and test the service

  • Click Try It
  • Select getSimpleQuote method from left pannel
  • Send


This VS Code extension provides support for creating and editing WSO2 EI Projects and Synapse XML documents, based on the Synapse Language Server extension written on LSP4XML language server.


  • Java JDK 8 at least
  • The JAVA_HOME environment variable must be set
  • Note: The path should end at the parent folder that contains the binfolder.
    • Example Path:/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0 if bin exists at /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0/bin

Quick Start:

  • Step 1. Install the Synapse extension for Visual Studio Code.
  • Step 2. Open or create a Synapse Project and start integration!
    • Extension is activated when you first access an xml file or via the command WSO2EI: Activate WSO2 EI Tooling through command palette

Useful Commands:

Open the Command Palette ( [Command] + [Shift] + [P] on macOS and [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [P] on Windows/Linux) and type in one of the following commands:

WSO2EI: Activate WSO2 EI ToolingActivate WSO2 EI Tooling.
WSO2EI: Change Language to SynapseXmlChange language mode to SynapseXml.
WSO2EI: Create New ESB ProjectCreate a new WSO2 ESB project.
WSO2EI: Create New API ArtifactCreate a new API artifact in the project.
WSO2EI: Create New Proxy ArtifactCreate a new proxy artifact in the project.
WSO2EI: Create New Endpoint ArtifactCreate a new endpoint artifact in the project.
WSO2EI: Create New Inbound-Endpoint ArtifactCreate a new inbound-endpoint artifact in the project.
WSO2EI: Create New Local-Entry ArtifactCreate a new local-entry artifact in the project.
WSO2EI: Create New Message-Store ArtifactCreate a new message-store artifact in the project.
WSO2EI: Create New Message-Processor ArtifactCreate a new message-processor artifact in the project.
WSO2EI: Create New Template ArtifactCreate a new template artifact in the project.
WSO2EI: Create New Sequence ArtifactCreate a new sequence artifact in the project.
WSO2EI: Build ProjectCreate the deployable .car file from the opened Synapse project.


Suggestions and Auto-Completion:


Goto Definition

  • Jump to source: CTRL + Click
  • Open to the side with: CTRL + ALT + Click

Code Diagnostics

Hover Support

Change Language to SynapseXml


WSO2 EI Tooling VSCode is licensed under Apache license 2.0.

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